The organization develops strong village level sangathan. Rigorous membership enrolment drive to gain strength from numbers will be taken up. Cluster level Samiti have been formed which will be supported to handle issues at the cluster level. The process of formation of a regional forum, the Shramik Sangathan, (S,S) will culminate in registered organization with cluster representative as board members and senior level project seam member being its secretary. Awareness veneration and information dissemination at all levels to develop the knowledge base of the community will be done.
There will be a separate forum "Mahila shakti" for women. A conscious strategy would be ensure that empowerment of women as a simultaneous process takes place adequate and equal representation of women in all forums will be insured. Women will be trained the enabled to play a positive role in development through exposures, workshop and awareness camps aimed at confidence building. Efforts would be made identify capable women from within the community who could motivate women.
Legal education and aid are seen as significant inputs, especially in the areas of laws related to forest police, women human rights and revenue. The community would be aided in taking assistance of the legal system when necessary. Confidence building measures will be initiated to enable the institutions to function as effective pressure groups and lilies, deal and negotiate with the external system on equal Terries pressure groups and lilies, deal and negotiate with external system on equal terries.
HWA believes in forging a spirit of partnership with the community and genuine partner in their development. It wishes to bring in transparency and accountability in its operations, which would go long way in capacity building of the community and developing its self-confidence in managing development.